How to Buy a Car Without Losing Your Mind (or Your Wallet)
Having to buy a car is like having a sliver stuck under my fingernail. It’s painful and annoying, I know I have to deal with it, but it’s going to take forever. Might as well pack a lunch too, because the second you decide you want to test drive something they have you trapped.
How is My Tax Situation Different After the Passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the single largest tax reform legislation passed in the last 30 years. It changes tax laws that impact retirement planning, mortgages, corporation, partnerships, small-business owners and even state taxes to some degree.
Digital Assets – You Already Own Some, Whether You Know What They Are Or Not
Recently I gave a presentation to a large group, over 300 in attendance. I asked the group, “How many of you own a digital currency?” Only about three or four hands went up. I was shocked.
Divorce Planning
There’s no question divorce is one of the most stressful and emotionally- charged experiences people may encounter in their adult lives. However, it is possible to get through a divorce with your self-esteem, finances and future intact. The key is careful and deliberate planning. Download G …
Multigenerational Family Wealth
Creating multigenerational wealth that lasts involves more than passing down assets. It requires teaching younger generations how to maintain that wealth. Learn how you can build and pass on your legacy in this helpful guide. Download Guide
Your Family Index Number: Defining Your Future With Confidence
Long-term financial security is a goal most investors aspire to, yet accomplished individuals and families know that attaining this objective requires more than hard work and luck. Check out our free guide which discusses how a personalized and focused approach begins with determining your …
For Millennials, managing life and finances comes with challenges, especially those like balancing college debt with home ownership and having important goals like saving for retirement. Download this free guide for tips on how Millennials can get started on the path to the confident financ …
Back 2 Basics
The good news is that American households have a total net worth of $85.2 trillion. The bad news is that most families are still behind where they were financially in 2007. In a recent survey, over half of Americans said they had less than $1,000 in their checking and savings accounts combi …
Investment Process
As investors, we would all like to effortlessly beat the markets, buying and selling investments based on brilliant timing, instinct and a little luck. But most of us realize it’s not that easy. Download Guide
8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing
As you reflect on the past year in preparation to meet with your accountant, consider these loopholes that may help you dodge the taxman. Get our step-by-step guide. Download Guide
2025 Calendar: Key Tasks & Financial Dates
Tackle 2025 with this month-by-month financial task list. We’ve also included important dates so you won’t miss key deadlines.