
Facts Vs Feelings Take 5 – Is This Normal?

Welcome back to Carson’s Take Five with Ryan Detrick and Sonu Varghese! This week, we dive into recent market volatility, policy uncertainty, and whether a recession is on the horizon. With stocks swinging daily, we break down what’s normal, what’s not, and why investors shouldn’t panic. Pl …

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Where There Is A Will – There Is A Way

Published by Cliff York Statistics show that humans have a 100% mortality rate. Yet, nearly 6 out of 10 of Americans are unprepared for the inevitable*. End of life planning isn’t fun. It can seem morbid, depressing and even a little scary. But, it’s also a critical aspect of managing your …

4 Easy Ways to Diversify Your Investments

Published By Jake Bleicher, Equity Analyst The benefit diversified investments has for a portfolio is simple, in theory. It reduces the impact any individual investment has on the portfolio, and proper diversification can help mitigate losses during a market downturn. In practice however, p …

Comfort: A Word We Need To Think About For Our Families

Published By B. Patrick Carter, CPA If we lived life in reverse, think of all of the confusion and problems we could potentially avoid. We could provide for our families in a much more efficient manner, covering all of those things that seem unimportant to us now or decisions we avoid becau …

How Men and Women Differ with Finances

Marital status is a key factor in their differences, which in turn affects their mindset. Lastly, where men and women believe they are in their life, depending on their age and expectations, is a huge catalyst for moving forward in their financial journey.

5 Reasons It’s Important to Set Financial Goals

Published by Rob Furlong, Portfolio Manager The alarm sounded promptly at 1a.m. Shortly after some rustling and grumbling the tent zippers opened and we stepped out into the frigid air. After a quick breakfast, we began heading uphill into the darkness. For the next eight hours life was lit …

3 Lessons I’ve Learned Working At A Wealth Management Firm

Published by Shayla Kriha Flash back to May 9th 2011, the day I started working at Carson Wealth Management Group. I thought at that time I knew what working in the financial services industry was all about; I could not have been more wrong. It’s now June 2018, and I can truly say I know ex …

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